
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

prisoner in his own house

Sam Maitin, Prisoner in His Own House, c. 1964

(A more recognizable Sam Maitin) Wildflower, c. 1993

I recently purchased this piece (the top one) by the Philadelphia artist Sam Maitin from an antique store in Glenside. Its from the same place that I bought the Gropper pieces. Its small about 15 X 18 in. and the medium according to the back is "construction". I like the smeared lines and ink markings, and how it comes across as some kind of 3-D map. It also reminds me a little of that addictive marble maze game. One thing, I'm not too keen on the title, I think its a little much.
To know more about Sam Maitin check.


Mark Dixon said...

Hey Em, i didn't buy it at a thrift store, it was an antique sto. yeah, its rare that i'll find anything worth buying at the thrift stores.

the fourth samba said...

However, last week my man bought a Duchamp at the dollar store, right, Mark?! That's impressive!!! I once saw a Mona Lisa at a Marshall's, but there were two of them, huh?

Emz, what's up, sis?! Long time no see... Send peace to your boyfriend and keep pouncing them paintings. peace

Mark Dixon said...

actually, remember when lakside renovated the cafe and i was thinking of taking home one of the urinals becuase it looked like the R. Mutt's Fountain? What was i thinking?


Yea, I've thrown away lots of this stuff...and I didn't have to go to a thrift store either...AHHEEEMM...