Went to NYC this weekend to see the final day of Peter Doig's joint shows at Gavin Brown's enterprise and Michael Werner Gallery and to have dinner with some friends. It was a beautiful day to walk around the city and I'd have to say I really like Doig's new work (however not necessarily better than early stuff). Mostly made up of Trinidadian scenes his new paintings display soft bleeding surfaces with washes of color and occasional geometric grids denoting buildings. As a friend said to me, its nice to see such an accomplished artist change and do new things. I would agree. Also nothing seems forced here. There was an honesty and straight-fowardness throughout both shows. The idea of remembering a place still exists in the work but unlike his other paintings Doig is making paintings about a place he currently resides. I should have asked him about this when I met him at Michael Werner.
Yeah he was there! See the great photo I took of him impersonating a man dressed as bat in front of "Man Dressed as Bat". Doig was a super nice guy with a humble demeanor. I asked him about ping pong and his film club in Trinidad and then trying to play it cool I said good-bye. I really wish I'd (and should've) unloaded question after question but a few other folks in the gallery began to move in and "I didn't want to be that guy."